Null value from text box
(too old to reply)
2010-08-27 12:38:12 UTC
Me.txtMaterial is not grabbing the actual text string from the text
box. When I step thru the code,
Me.txtMaterial is Null. Why is it not grabbing the txtMaterial info?

Private Sub txtMaterial_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
fltrInfo = ""
fltrMaterial = Null
fltrMaterial = Me.txtMaterial

If KeyCode = 13 Then
If IsNull(Me.lstPlant) Then
fltrInfo = "(((tblMaterial.Material) Like '" & fltrMaterial &
fltrInfo = "(([tblMaterial].[Material] Like '" & fltrMaterial
& "')) AND ([tblMaterial].[Plnt]='" & Me.lstPlant & "')"
End If

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmAllMaterial", acNormal, , fltrInfo
End If
End Sub
Ken Snell
2010-08-31 01:38:00 UTC
Using the KeyDown event does not let the texbox update its value before your
code runs, so therefore Me.txtMaterial will not have a value when your code
runs. Why are you using this event to run your code? What is it you're
trying to do?
Ken Snell
Post by NeoFax
Me.txtMaterial is not grabbing the actual text string from the text
box. When I step thru the code,
Me.txtMaterial is Null. Why is it not grabbing the txtMaterial info?
Private Sub txtMaterial_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
fltrInfo = ""
fltrMaterial = Null
fltrMaterial = Me.txtMaterial
If KeyCode = 13 Then
If IsNull(Me.lstPlant) Then
fltrInfo = "(((tblMaterial.Material) Like '" & fltrMaterial &
fltrInfo = "(([tblMaterial].[Material] Like '" & fltrMaterial
& "')) AND ([tblMaterial].[Plnt]='" & Me.lstPlant & "')"
End If
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmAllMaterial", acNormal, , fltrInfo
End If
End Sub
2010-09-01 19:45:46 UTC
I fixed it to work. Had to add .value to the end. What I am trying
to do is filter a second form based off of a part number the user
type's in the text box and do not want the user to type and then click
a button.
